Thursday, October 30, 2014

Act 1 continued

In Hamlets first soliloquy he expresses extreme dislike for his uncle and mother and sadness for his father. The text shows us a mixture of emotions that unfold before us in a straighter tone, but the films show different takes on how the word were said. Although we don't know exactly the tone of Hamlets words; we do know that any which way he said them, his meaning came through his close connections to the subject. I feel that it gave direct insight into the character and how he deals with his problems. Including the first aside to the audience, I gathered that he is one of intelligence in which he knew  not to speak in front of company in the manner he wanted to. 

- in purgatory ghost 
-Wife distanced herself from husband, Claudius seduced Gertrude 
-he was poisoned 
-hamlet got idea for revenge from father 
-I have sworn it 
- it's not should I should I not, it's that he is resolved 
-ubiquitous, can't tell anyone 
-there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. 
- the time is out of joint; O cursed spite that ever I was born to set it right.

Act 2

Act 2 Scene 1
-Wants him to watch over his kid
- Theme is "I swear" don't say that you know larities just you know what he does
- Polonius and Reynaldo talking, you throw out the bait then see if they tell you what's going on
-lord Polonius "by indirections find directions out"
-Ophelia, hamlet seemed to be in the dark and lost, she didn't understand what happened, there not for her 
-Hamlet could be planting a seed,
Or grieving his fathers death 

Act 2 scene 2
- Claudius is doing the same thing as lord Polonius 
- "your visitation shall receive such thanks.." Euphemism 
- Voltimand asking permission, to go through Denmark, nephew take leadership
- "brevity is the soul if wit"-lord polonius 
-gurtride was right, Polonius is wrong 
- fishmonger- acting like his is crazy, an insult that hamlet says to Polonius 
- hamlet; insulting him 
- lord Polonius " though this be madness yet there is method in it"
- Polonius is acting like everything hamlet is saying has a double meaning 
- hamlet was faking to Polonius 
- "...for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."-hamlet
- "what a piece of work is a man!" -hamlet  become cliche and is the theme of the play, such awful acts made by people 
-hamlet read his friends in that he knows they were sent by the king to watch him 
-players haven't lost their part but they aren't taken seriously anymore 
- "the plays the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience if the king" - hamlet 
-starts to beat himself up, make his body do what he wants it to do, can't speak out loud to others, nobody to love him, talk is cheep action is worth something, when whores speak they aren't seen as truthful 
-" I'll have these players Play something like the murder of my father before mine uncle" -Hamlet 
- Claudius wants everyone against hamlet 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Literary Fiction and Empathy

Reading fiction can help you understand other by anticipating effects of evens on characters and putting all the emotions into perspective with everyday life in our own reality. It can help relate to the internal struggles and thoughts of yourself by comparing what you would or wouldn't do in a real life situation. As literary fiction is false it does have a truth behind it which contributes to the maternal thought process about ourselves. This is most likely why the case study showed an increase of performance on tests because you have already started your thought process. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Literature Analysis #2

1.) In the beginning of the story it starts off in a jail house where the verdict is being read of a young black man named Jefferson for the murder of a white man during a robbery. In the small town the event is a huge scene to the public. Jefferson with a white defendant lawyer is called a hog without a brain to commit such a well thought out plot. However, Jefferson is found guilty and sentenced to death by electric chair. The narrator of the novel, Grant Wiggins,goes back and forth from present to past in the description of what occurred at the scene, in which Jefferson was honestly a bystander blamed for the murder. Later in the story Grant is asked by his aunt and Miss Emma to teach Jefferson how to be a man and go to the chair knowing he is a man. After asking permission from the master of the plantation and the Sheriff, Grant is forced to visit Jefferson by his aunt. Grant has many moments where he wants to quit and run away from the plantation but stays because his love Vivian a white woman is staying. He says this but he never really wants to go because of his connections to all of his family. At the beginning of the visits Jefferson would not participate and said he was a hog and acted like one. As the visits progressed Jefferson became more open to letting Grant in along with his Nannan (godmother) and the Reverend. After months of visiting the date was set for the execution and Jefferson was executed as a man. 

2.)The theme of the novel is to live life as what we are and not what others say we are. Perspectives can be broken. 

3.) The authors tone is understanding and respectful to that of his people in which he stands up for. 

4.) 1. Repetition- "Gentlemen of the jury, this man planned a robbery? Oh pardon me, pardon me, I surely did not mean to insult your intelligence by saying 'man' would you please forgive me for commuting such an error? Gentlemen of the jury..." Pg. 8

2. Persuasion through logical Fallacies- "Please look. I want all twelve of you honorable men to turn your heads and look back to that mama, grandmother godmother-everything." Pg. 8 

3. Euphemism- "I didn't ask for none of your uppity, mister." Pg 100

4. Imagery- " I stated beyond the garden toward the budding pecan trees in Farrell Jarreau's backyard. The sky was so low the trees seemed nearly to touch it." Pg 213

5. Metaphor- "The one behind the desk didn't look decent at all. His eyes were the color of cement."
 Pg 70

6. Simile- "The courthouse, like most public buildings in town, was made of red brick. Built around the turn of the century, it looked like a small castle you might see in the country side somewhere in Europe." Pg 68

7. Foreshadowing- "But when it came to a discussion with a teacher, though he had known that teacher since his birth, then suddenly things were not so simple." Pg 101

8. Allusion- "None, none till He rose." Pg 215

9. Persuasion - "All of us on this earth. A piece of drifting wood until we each one of us visually decide to become something else. I am still that piece do drifting wood, and those out there are no better." Pg 193

10. Symbolism- "I probably would not have noticed it at all had a butterfly, a yellow butterfly with dark specks like ink dots on it's wings not lit there." Pg 251


1.) Two examples of direct characterization are " He was the strongest man in that crowded room, Grant Wiggins." Pg 253 "You're smart," Guirdy said. "Maybe you're just a little too smart for your own good." Pg 49
Two examples of indirect characterization are "I went up to the desk and turned to face them. I was crying." Pg 256 "I though it would be rude to go inside and leave her in the road with no one to talk to." Pg 96
The author uses both effects because he wants to show the character fully.
2.) The authors syntax when he describes the characters of the novel remain the same when he talks about himself because everything is coming from the narrator and what is in his mind. "Do you believe I'm your friend Jefferson?" Pg 185 
3.) The character is dynamic because he changes his mind about what life is really about through the experience with Jefferson. He goes from wanting to leave to being committed to stay with his people. He is a very round character because he has a lot of different values in which he expresses through out the novel. "I was crying." Pg 256 it's very interesting because as the last words of the novel you can tell he went from a touch hard edged man to soft and caring just as much on the outside as the inside. 
4.) I personally thought I met a character because I was almost inside of his head, in that I knew what was going on with how Grant felt. I could tell that he was a. Hat acted of truth and care. I found this through his acts. Including fighting with the man in the diner, going and seeing Jefferson (brought him a radio and a notepad), and his determination to stop the whites in their myths about the black race. " I want you to chop away at the myth by standing. I want you yes you to call them liars." Pg 192

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hamlet act 1 scene 3

Hamlets love for Ophelia.
Feeling of love 
He has to choose to love her or not. 
He will try to win affection, sexual intensions, a diplomat you should fear from her brothers thought
Don't tell me if you don't do the same thing 
- Ophelia and Laeretes talk before Laretes leaves for school again

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hamlet communities

3) 1. Blue Apple Theatre
    2. PBS kids
3. Blogspot Brit

Monday, October 13, 2014

Vocabulary #6

abase - verb cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
-She abased his self esteem.
abdicate - verb give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations
- Sarah abdicated her position of queen.
abomination - noun an action that is vicious or vile; an action that arouses disgust or abhorrence; a person who is loathsome or disgusting; hate coupled with disgust
- That is an abomination to mankind.
brusque - adj. marked by rude or peremptory shortness
-My coach has a brusque attitude towards the team. 
saboteur - noun someone who commits sabotage or deliberately causes wrecks; a member of a clandestine subversive organization who tries to help a potential invader
-She was a saboteur throught the whole situation. 
debauchery - noun a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
- The reunion was a debauchery.
proliferate - verb cause to grow or increase rapidly; grow rapidly
-The story proliferated in sales very quickly. 
anachronism - noun an artifact that belongs to another time; a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs to another age;something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred
-The Monalisa is an anachronism. 
nomenclature - noun a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline
- Scientific words were created as a nomenclature for easy communication. 
expurgate - verb edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
- You should expurgated this sentence from your essay. 
bellicose - adj. having or showing a ready disposition to fight
- The dog always had a bellicose look on it's face.
gauche - adj. lacking social polish
- She has gauche manners. 
rapacious - adj. excessively greedy and grasping; devouring or craving food in great quantities; living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey
paradox - noun (logic) a statement that contradicts itself
- Her essay is very paradox.
conundrum - noun a difficult problem
-This has caused me a huge conundrum.
anomaly - noun (astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun); a person who is unusual; deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule
- I love the anomaly of life.
ephemeral - adj. lasting a very short time; nounanything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form
-Their life was ephemeral. 
rancorous - adj. showing deep-seated resentment
-She is rancorous in her attitude with him. 
churlish - adj. having a bad disposition; surly;rude and boorish
-She was churlish all the time to her cousins. 
precipitous - adj. characterized by precipices;extremely steep; done with very great haste and without due deliberations
-The groceries were done precipitously well. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014


I did not take a picture because the lights around me seemed to be like the stars in the night. I couldn't pick up my phone to capture because I didn't want to lose the thrill of the movement that was happening. I'll never forget the song and the movement of little lights shining bright in the night. I seemed at peace with everything in my life at this time, I can't explain the mixture of joy and truth in the night that we can stand together no matter where we come from.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Everything Is a remix

 -direct by saying he is a gambler
- indirect talks about the actions how he never changes 
-How to depict life in it's morals. We can read in between the lines make the reader infer more about what you are writing.
-Can improve by using connotations of words to give messages that are more concise. 
-if you apply the same situation to a kings son or higher status  the characters problems would be set aside, overlooked. Just like celebrities today.
-Chaucer frowned down upon his choices, that the character made, 
- more serious. Wasn't sympathy was more blunt.
- cook was kind of crap, uses other people for gambling problem
- syntax show cook in bad light 
-ironic because he went to riches to rage 

I wish I could include a video of my own sorts in with I could write an informal essay that's embedded In film. I feel like actions give the words life and this would be a fun activity to do wih friends instead of just writing an essay alone. I could use the elements of the coons story and poke fun at them like Chaucer meant to do. Which would therefore be using the techniques first hand for better understanding and development in my qwriting. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Canterbury outline

- we chose the cook because we thought it was ironic because he went to riches to rage 
Describe main character

He would gamble, kept doing it and he was fired because he was influencing other people. 
-he was stealing the money, very reckless. 
-wife was a prostitute, front was a store owner 
 - was leach in that he was living off of his master and now he is living off of his 
3. Chaucer frowned down upon his choices, that the character made, 
- more serious. Wasn't sympathy was more blunt.
- cook was kind of crap, uses other people for gambling problem
- syntax show cook in bad light 
4. Man verses himself in that Perkins verses his morals in that 
5. The story telling genre is moral tale what is right and wrong because he was a bad soul.
6. It talks about all the different social statuses, the irony the cook is supposed to be an apprentice and a respectful man, but he is out gambling and has a prostitute as a man. 
7. You could make the story better by finishing the story where the cook falls into a deeper hole. Further humiliating the character
8. if you apply the same situation to a kings son or higher status  the characters problems would be set aside, overlooked. Just like celebrities today.
9.the authors irony makes the message that the cook doesn't care in that he lacks morals, physically couldn't gain morals because he was licentious. 
- the message is irony in that is that they are supposed to be going on 
- shows the sides of human nature. 
10. The techniques would be how effective irony is in which I can use it. How to depict life in it's morals. We can read in between the lines make the reader infer more about what you are writing. Can improve by using connotations of words to give messages that are more concise. 

- direct by saying he is a gambler
- indirect talks about the actions how he never changes 
-How to depict life in it's morals. We can read in between the lines make the reader infer more about what you are writing.
-Can improve by using connotations of words to give messages that are more concise. 
-if you apply the same situation to a kings son or higher status  the characters problems would be set aside, overlooked. Just like celebrities today.
-Chaucer frowned down upon his choices, that the character made, 
- more serious. Wasn't sympathy was more blunt.
- cook was kind of crap, uses other people for gambling problem
- syntax show cook in bad light 
-ironic because he went to riches to rage 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Green Eggs and Hamlet

a) What I know about Hamlet was that it was written by William Shakespeare, was a tragedy, and "To be or not to be."
b)What I know about Shakespeare was that he was a tragic play writer and poet, who lived in England most of his life. He wrote plays such as Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth along with his very known play Hamlet. I also know that he was married to Anne Hathaway during his life and had a few children.
c) Many students frown when they hear Shakespeare because many students, including myself, don't appreciate his story plots including Romeo and Juliet in which honestly isn't a very romantic story in which the children meet for a couple hours then kill themselves. Sorry, but not very romantic if I do say so myself. The story honestly lacks intelligence because in order to "fall in love" with someone you need to spend more than a couple hours with them before you kill yourself.
d) What we could possibly do to make the learning of this subject more appealing is to act out some of the scenes in the play because real live action is a lot more entertaining than words on a page. Bringing the words to life!

The Point of Canterbury Tales Is...

The Canterbury Tales written by Geoffery Chaucer is an outlook on society from one persons perspective in which shows the viewpoints of what is thought of an individual. In this the author used metaphor and satire to poke fun at the characters he has experienced showing that all of the characters from the tales are similar to actual people within society in how they are perceived.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Vocabulary list 5

shenanigans-silly or high spirited behavior; secret or dishonest behavior or maneuvering.
-Can you stop with your shenanigans in class please?
ricochet - noun a glancing rebound; verb spring back; spring away from an impact
-The ball ricocheted off the wall and hit the ground.
schism - noun division of a group into opposing factions; the formal separation of a church into two churches or the withdrawal of one group over doctrinal differences
-The problem created a schism within the group. 
eschew - verb avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
-It would be smart to eschew from the subject.
plethora - noun extreme excess
- There is a plethora of food for dinner.
ebullient - adj. joyously unrestrained
-The runner is ebulliently fast during her race.
garrulous - adj. full of trivial conversation
-The speaker is garrulous in her ways of speech.
harangue - noun a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion; verb deliver a harangue to; address forcefully
-The teacher harangued his students for their behavior. 
interdependence - noun a reciprocal relation between interdependent entities (objects or individuals or groups)
-There is interdependence within the community. 
capricious - adj. determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason; changeable
-She has a capricious attitude about making decisions. 
loquacious - adj. full of trivial conversation
- He has loquacious intelligence.
ephemeral - adj. lasting a very short time; nounanything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form
- A glowing moth is ephemeral in that it only lives a week because it doesn't have a mouth to eat from. 
inchoate - adj. only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
-The book is inchoately finished. 
juxtapose - verb place side by side
-the desk and the chair are juxtaposed. 
perspicacious - adj. acutely insightful and wise;mentally acute or penetratingly discerning
-Sarah has perspicious intelligence. 
codswallop - noun nonsensical talk or writing
-Sleep deprived I wrote a codswallop and it was awful.
mungo-noun cloth made from recycled woven or felted fabric
-The mungo was a beautiful piece of patchwork. 
(of a word) polysyllabic; long; characterized by long words; long-winded
-The essay contained sesquipedelian vocabulary throught it. 
wonky - adj. inclined to shake as from weakness or defect; turned or twisted toward one side
-The wonky dog was very scared when he saw himself I'm the mirror.
noun a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable, in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves toward another; a compound vowel character; a ligature
- She was a diphthong in her diction. 

Character study (III)

The university of my dreams in Los Angeles California is U.C.L.A and entered into the medical program. My journey to this point would take dedication, hard work and joy. In the year leading up to this moment it has been hard to let go of everything that has been in my way to find what is really out there for me. The applications and the scholarships were hard to make into a sceduale with everything I have going on in my life. However I made it, receiving a letter from the school I toured a year ago with my family. It's important that I appreciate the time that I have sacrificed and relize that college is the time to explore new things and I can't wait to get started with the internship I just recieved. 

In U.C.L.A. I have flourished at my interning position at the hospital there. Every day has been different with new patients coming in all the time with completely new reasons for their appearances at the hospital. I work in the research department and today I just know something exciting is going to emerge. I walked into the building to find that I got there before my mentor. "She must be running late." I thought. As I walked through the hospital I spotted a girl who looked perfectly fine, but strapped to her bed. "What's the matter with the patient in room 365?" I asked. "We don't know all her scans are normal, but she keeps screaming in paincoughing up blood and forming stange rashes that occur every few hours. A new one with another disease of no knowledge or research. This will be an interesting case. My mentor finally arrived and we started our work day by entering room 365. We gathered information from parents who had no idea what was happening to their baby girl of 13. I could feel the dense air inside the room that made me feel nervous and sorry for the family. As the girl laid there, I could see she wasn't as "perfectly normal" as I had seen earlier on in the day. Her eyes were sunken in, her skin was quite pale and her back was blistering with a redish purple color of the intensity of the worst burn mark you have ever seen. I thought this girl needs help now! In our protective gear we collected samples of the rash, saliva and all other bodily fluids. Through weeks of cultures and tests we still were stumped by the infection going on inside this child. A couple of days latter, an alarm went off reffering to the staff that there was a problem in room 365. I rushed into the room to find the mother screaming. The infection had spread.

In weeks of isolation of the mother and daughter the girl seemed to be progressively getting, worse. I went home one night and saw on television the medical advancements of an Asian flower called the preslia. The chemicals that are diffused from the flower are highly toxic and cause huge side effects. However, the flower sparked an idea in me to do an experimental trial with the flower. Next day of work I brought up ge idea but everyone shot the brilliance down. Although I explained that the family had nothing else to lose but they remained against preslia. I just knew I couldn't give up. As break came up quickly I planned a trip to Asia without anyone knowing about my intensions. I didn't know exactly where to find the flower but n the airplane I ran into Hannah Hurd who said the new medical flower was enclosed in a facility near the hymalyan mountains. "This was going to be difficult" I thought. 

Once the plane landed I went straight to the facility where the toxic flower was being held to talk to staff members. The members were reluctant to let me have any so I slipped three flowers into my bag without anyone knowing and rushed out of the building, without causing a commotion. I stayed in Asia for multiple days figuring out the system of the cure and I found with the samples I brought it killed the infectious diease. I called my mentor to let her know but stopped when I realized I stole the flowers... I had to give it to her without anyone knowing and I did just that. 

Character Study (I)

The university of my dreams in Los Angeles California is U.C.L.A and entered into the medical program. My journey to this point would take dedication, hard work and joy. In the year leading up to this moment it has been hard to let go of everything that has been in my way to find what is really out there for me. The applications and the scholarships were hard to make into a sceduale with everything I have going on in my life. However I made it, receiving a letter from the school I toured a year ago with my family. It's important that I appreciate the time that I have sacrificed and relize that college is the time to explore new things and I can't wait to get started with the internship I just recieved. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Tale of A Canterbury Tale

The cooks tale 
- The cook was told by the host to create a funny story of sorts and the cook went over the edge of what was acceptable within society. The tale starts with the life of an apprentice, says he had a dark complexion probably a slave. Work for his master as a cook, but was easily distracted by having fun, do the master fired him because the mass yet wanted to set a precidence on how to work in his household. Story ends abruptly after cook talks about the wife in how she participates in prostitution. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Dashboard

I think the Net vibes dashboard will come handy to me in the future because it is easy to use and I can manipulate it to function how I want. I can make each spot on my page something that interests me or something that I need to get a handle on such as college websites. Lastly it will help regulate my procrastination time, with fewer distractions.

Phonar notes