Sunday, September 21, 2014

Canterbury Tales (I)

-written records were scarce in this time, most people were illiterate. 
-promontories- peaks of high land sticking out of water 
- island is abundant in food and resources from the land and sea.
-made up of numerous cities and castles
-summer days and winter nights long 
- all united under the Latin Language, common medium in scriptures 
-Britons were first there to modern day Britain, next Picts found nation of the Scots, 
-scots told them there was another place with land, 
- dal means division 
-Ireland lacks poison, reptiles, 
- it has plenty of resources of fish, greenery, and overall wildlife 
-Scots later migrated to Britain also
-firth- narrow arm of the sea

The Canterbury Tales 
-Canterbury was a major destination for pilgrims 
-knight of honor rode to area of Alexandria 
-brought son with him, similar to his father in his grace and honor
-more complex than father; sing dance, poetry 
-has a yeoman to ride with him held a arrow in his hands, well armed
-a nun present, Madam Eglanyne, well mannered 
-monk, three priests another nun 
-monk looks like monk 
-Hubert a friar, gave to the poor, narrator seems not to like he gives to beggars and lepers but finds him a respectable man 
-merchant good at bargining, actually in debt 
- oxford cleric- full of philosophy, didn't make money barrowed from friends to learn more.
-a sergeant of the law knows of law
-wealthy man, very busy and knowledgable in his work. 
-Haberdasher, a dyer, a carpenter, a weaver, and a carpet-maker
-all work together 
-cook, great cook, ulcer on his knee, 
-skipper; came from Dartmouth, very good at his job, enemy ships would sink and he would sent prisoners overboard, knows the seas
-doctor; talked of medicine, kept money he earned
-a woman from bath city, partly deaf, had 5 husbands, been to Jerusalem 3 times, over exaggerated 
-parson; very poor, into Christ's Gospel, would preach it all the time , didn't like giving away part of his money but to poor parishioners, seems holy, great priest, would stay to protect pregnant women, etc. 
-Plowman was a good worker 
-tabard- loose jacket 
-Miller, metaphor for a large man, strong, stole grain, sounds Scottish, 
- Manciple, could bargin, legal knowledge, wealthy, emotional, 
-Reeve; old and choleric, thin, balding, simile used to describe legs, good at bargining, however I don't think so if he is so lean. Has house name of Scot 
-Summoner; nasty infection on face called carbuncles, very homeless sounding, alcoholic, not in favor of the law, seems sad about a woman. 
-Pardoner; long blonde hair, a little cap, had a holy relic on it, no pardoner of equal grace, took a lot of money, 
-Prevarication- evasion of truth. 
-gobbet- a piece 
-repeating story as narrator remembers it, said it is near the truth but it could never be exact, because we don't remember like that. 
-Host; served dinner, wise, merry hearted, joker, very well spoken,
- told everyone to play a part and tell two stories, whoever has the best story wins a dinner in the tavern 
-next morning person who draws shortest a stick goes first in telling their story.

The characte that I most want to read about is the Friar because he seems very shady and I want to learn more.

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