Sunday, September 14, 2014

Literature Analysis #1

1. At the beginning of the novel the narrator explains that he is invisible and lives underground, recounting on what had led him to become invisible. As the narrator isn't obviously invisible he feels he has to be after the events that occured in his life. In the exposition, the author lives in basement a building where he lives off of the light that is taken from a power company, therfore he doesnt have to pay for anything. Once the narrator gets into the beginning of his story he disscusses how he was a high school student who worked very hard on his writing and recieved an honor of reading his speech to a group of white men. However when he arrives the white men first put him in a boxing ring, blindfolded to fight among other black boys. After the brutal fighting the boys are set on an electric carpet, trying to grab money, while the white men laugh. Then the narrator is given his chance to read and given a scholarship to a black college. The narrator once at college, (maintains no name the entire book) he is told to drive a college founder, Mr. Norton, around through the black society. Unexperienced, the narrator drives through town where they run into Jim Trueblood, a man who inpregnated his daughter, and Mr. Norton sits to talk to him about the subject of his daughter. After the long encounter, Mr. Norton feels ill and asks for a drink. The narrator drives to the Golden Day   (a brothel) where the owner doesn't let anyone take a drink out of the bar, so the narrator has to bring the white man into the building, which causes a scene. As chaos emerges a man who claimes to be a doctor helps the narrator and Mr. Norton, but taughts their knowlegde and idealogies on race in the world. This conversation upsets Mr. Norton and the narrator becomes very anctious. When they arrive back at the school the college founder is late for a conference and the head administration expell the narrator. 
2. The theme of the novel is racial injustice because the narrator feels that he must conceal himself inorder to fit into society.
- "A slave born, but marked from the beginning by a high intelligence and princely personality; born in the lowest part if this barren, war-scarred land, yet somehow shedding light upon it where'er he passed through." Page 119
- It didn't occur to me to interfere, or question.. They had a plan." Page 546 
- "My mind was blank, as though I had just begun to live. When the next face appeared I saw the eyes behind the think glasses blinking as though noticing me for the first time. Page 233

1. Imagery- "It almost took my breath away and I leaned over and switched on the fan, hearing it's sudden white." Page 46
2. Forshadowing- "And I stopped the blade, slicing the air as I pushed him away letting him fall back to the street." Page 4 
3. Allusions- "No, I'm not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe.."page 3
4. Similie- " he stood before us relaxed, his white collar gleaming like a band between his black face and his dark garmets, dividing his head from his body; his short arms were crossed before his barrel, like a black little Buddah's." Page 118 
5. Syntax- "I looked at her. She was blushing, her cheeks, even her freckled bosom, were bright red." Page 518
6. Collouiquilism - " Lawd have mercey!" Page 65 
7. Irony- "What is a traitor, Brother?" Page 467
8. Diction- ".. Who with his singing of the old familiar melodies soothed the doubts and fears is the multitude.." Page 129
9. Euphimism- "Is that a log cabin" page 46
10. Flashback- " Me on one side and the ole lady on the other and the gal in the middle." Page 54 

1.Two examples of direct characterization were at the beginning of the novel with Mr. Buchanan and the superintendent on how they presented their expressions and attitudes on school and black eduacation directly. Page 56,34 examples of indirect characterization come from the expressions of the author and of True blood becauae the narrator is  perceived as a man of indecisive character that wants to blend in but faced with the fact he can't because of his ethnicity. True blood is degraded and discrased for enpregnating his own daughter. Page  54. The author uses both approaches because it helps the characters develop in through their own personalities in the book rather than just stating who they are. This technique is helpful in that it's gives a background to deceitful manners as described in the novel. 
2. No the syntax and diction do not change when the author is talking about the main character because the entire story is coming from the narrator and his point of view so the attitude is that of the author towards every character. The author uses complex and simple sentence structure to enhance the development if the novel and the theme. The author also uses difficult diction and very simple diction depending on the sefistication and intelligence level of the character talking. 
3. The character is dynamic in that he changes his perspective on life in that he doesn' t feel as willing to open himself up to others as he was a tthe beginning of the novel. The character however isn't always easy to figure out and I perosonally had a hard time knowing the character, for this reason I feel the character is rather flat, however he is round in that he is hard to describle easily so he fals into a harder catagory of grey.
4. After reading the book I didn't really feel like  knew the entire character, however, I did feel like I knew what he went through. I couldn't really make a close connection to the character because I didnt even know his name which I find hard to grasp; like the book is almost six hundred pages and we still had to make it a mystery. I understand it is for the benefit of the novel in that the protagonist remains a mystery, but you lose connection with the character by doing this.


  1. I remember you talking to me about this book and I'm really interested in hearing about it? Was it something that you couldn't out down or was it more of a book where you read and felt enlightened after or something totally different?

  2. The book is pretty interesting and has a lot of twists and turns that you wouldn't expect, but happen. I liked the book, however it was kind of long. I felt it gave different perspectives on cultures that were enlightening in the end. Overall I thought it was a pretty good book and catchy from the very beginning.
