Sunday, February 22, 2015

Brave New World: Chapter 2 & 3

Chapter 2:
- metaphor
- fifth floor is the nursery for delta they wear khaki. 
- are given books and flowers and then are shocked. 
- idea is supposed to make these children hate travel and learning so they can just work. 
- fourteenth floor has beta children, teens boys and girls, system makes them sleep and repeat the social classes on what the colors they wear and how other classes are worse and others better. 
- voice says it in sleep
- repeat it like a brain washing system, actually is brain washing, torturing children so they believe the world they grow up in 
- restatement straight from the horses mouth 

Chapter 3 
- time increments in ford, like A.F. ( after ford) 
- Mustafa Mond very important guy
- goes between four different scenes of people, one has Lenina and Fanny talking about men, go from man to man, can't just have one 
- everyone belongs to everyone else 
- other people is Henry foster talking to Beenard about getting with Fanny and Lenina. 
- other talking about the history of Ford, and discussing the past of vivacious humans, meaning they only had one kid at a time, very gross to them 
- other is children sleeping and repeating words of liking new clothes and things related to their caste 

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